Como instalar corretamente a lâmina do triturador de plástico rígido?

trituradora de filme plástico

As one of the key pieces of equipment for modern waste treatment, rigid plastic shredder is highly recognized for its high efficiency and environmentally friendly features. Among them, the blade is one of the core components of the crusher, and its installation process is crucial. In this article, we will introduce in detail how to correctly install blades of máquina trituradora de plástico industrial to ensure stable operation and efficient crushing of the equipment.

triturador de plástico rígido
triturador de plástico rígido

Selecting the right blade

Before installing the blades, the first task is to select the right type of blade for the particular task. In the case of rigid plastic shredder, the material and shape of the blades need to match the type of plastic being processed to ensure optimum crushing results. Therefore, it becomes crucial to understand the type of plastic that the rigid plastic shredder handles and select the right blade.

lâmina de máquina trituradora de resíduos de plástico
lâmina de máquina trituradora de resíduos de plástico

Preparation for replacing rigid plastic shredder blades

Before installing the industrial plastic shredder machine blades, a series of preparations are required to ensure a smooth process. Firstly, make sure that the unit has been switched off and disconnected from the power supply to avoid any accidents. Secondly, prepare the required tools and spare blades so that they can be replaced if needed. Finally, read the operating manual of the PET bottle scrap crusher machine carefully to understand the equipment structure and installation requirements.

máquina trituradora de plástico industrial
máquina trituradora de plástico industrial

Remove the old blades

If you have been using your industrial plastic shredder machine for some time, you may need to replace the old blades. Before removing the old blades of rigid plastic shredder, be sure to observe your own safety and wear the necessary protective equipment. Using the proper tools, remove the blades one by one. Loosen the screws and then carefully remove the blades from the blade holder.

Cleaning and inspection

Before installing a new blade, be sure to clean the blade holder and related parts to ensure that there are no residues that could affect the quality of the installation. At the same time, check the blade holder for wear or damage, and replace it promptly if there is any problem, so as not to affect the stability and service life of the blade.

Install the new blade

Place the new blade on the blade seat and make sure the blade fits the seat perfectly. Then, tighten the screws on the blades one by one, but do not over-tighten them. After all the blades have been installed, check the position of the blades one by one to make sure they are evenly and securely fastened to the blade seat.

Adjustment and testing

After installing all the blades, you can reconnect the power supply but still do not start the rigid plastic shredder. First, gently turn the rotor of the triturador de plástico rígido to make sure that the blades are not colliding or jamming. If everything is normal, you can start the machine and perform a no-load test to observe if the blades are running normally.